I know someone who went through a hard time earlier in their life and made a decision to improve themselves....... Unfortunately they had no understanding of wisdom. They worried so much and stressed so much that the stress and worry kept their minds from seeing the opportunities to be better and happier even when it was right there in front of them........They sacrificed the now for a tomorrow which they imagined would be better, so missed out on all the small every day joys and pleasant experiences, distancing themselves from people and reality slowly but surely....... As life would have it and as the principles of negativity for someone who only sees problems work, they attracted only more negativity and reasons to worry into their life..........When the tomorrow they had sacrificed yesterday for became today, they became unhappiest...................not realising happiness comes from applying a principle, they continued this vicious cycle, focusing on the material things or people to bring happiness.... They eventually ended up with a little bit of something and someone called partner,........had a lot more than others but failed to realise that happiness was not tied to any person, thing or situation but the thoughts you choose to entertain...... Now they blame every past and present and people around for their lack of happiness...... Sadly today, they are no closer to happiness than yesterday.............but all along it was a choice they could have made! It's a mental place...... Happiness is located in your mental sphere!..... Those thoughts which eventually become you......and Christ said it already... "as a man thinketh in his mind, so is he.....you become your thoughts"...... focusing on your fears and thinking about them is simply the best way of making them happen in your life's experience....... Dear friend... Will you use wisdom today? Will you choose to reject worrying today? Will you chose to have thoughts of happiness and entertain only the thoughts that's see reasons to be so?.... Whatever you do, remember that your outcome will be a product of your making so.........get that weight off your chest......... The hurt, the shame, the disgrace, the anger,.....they will only hold your mind hostage in negativity, destroying all opportunity for true happy thinking.............. A mind set that only sees good and reasons to be happy or happier..........So.....don't go to church to find happiness, or marry that person to be happy or......if you cannot learn to apply the principles of happiness to become happy, none of that will ever help you.....God already made the world. It runs ON spiritual and physical principles.......stupidly some think that because they are Christians they can harvest without sowing or maybe sow in desert thinking the rain will fall on their own patch, God can make that happen if there was a need but not whilst you have access to so many other physical principles you can apply to fix your situation.....Salvation is two things, becoming a heir of the Abrahamic promise and the promise of heaven...... The first is about the earth and the second is about there after. They are two separate things.....the first is achieved by applying physical priciples and the second by applying spiritual principles. It is by gace that we have come into these promises so we ought to share the opportunity with others. Nevertheless physical principles are true regardless of whether you are a Christian or not so if you apply them they will work for you
.......the sad thing is many Christians enjoy a good preaching yet think they can succeed by constantly neglecting the physical Principles......the Bible gives Christians and advantage because it gives you all the principles you need in every area of life but it's up to you to apply them...........why do some unbelivers, wicked, selfish have so much good happen to them..... Well they may not be saved from hell but sure know how to apply the physical Principles on earth to their benefit......like I said they work for those who apply them, regardless of anything......... Church should help give you the wisdom needed to understand theses things, not entertain your sprit whilst numbing it from true transformation in your life.....the more you hear the same word and fail to implement it's wisdom into your life the less likely you are to be transformed by it next time......if the word does not transform your experience of life that same day, I worry for you because it's not about hearing the word of God but letting it transform you into better....faith comes by hearing but transformation comes by exercising that faith you got by hearing.......Eg a man hears he can drive if he learns (faith is present now)....he goes to driving school to learn (exercising faith) .... Becomes a driver (transformed)..... Many Christians hear, hear, hear,hear,............that's where it ends and they enjoy powerful messages because it keeps telling them they can......true but is that all you want?....you can be happy, wealthy, healthy....... But as every minute passes without you applying the wisdom you have, the opportunity gets smaller and small.....you will always be able to drive!! even when you are a lot older but it may get harder and harder..... Principles of timing don't change too.....do it now! Enter your blessings now!
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